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Cartridge Razor Review

GilletteLabs Exfoliating Razor Review — Does It Exfoliate?

Next up on the cartridge razor campaign is the GilletteLabs Exfoliating Bar — a razor that offers an exfoliating feature, among other features.

The latest cartridge razor reviews after the Gillette Fusion5, ProGlide, and SkinGuard — led me in the natural direction of testing and reviewing the GilletteLabs.

Within the GilletteLabs series, Gillette first introduced the Heated Razor –in 2019, then in 2021, the GilletteLabs Exfoliating Bar Razor. These followed the 2018 introduction of the SkinGuard Razor for gentlemen with sensitive skin.

Gillette has certainly been busy over the last few years, throwing new razor features at consumers.

This review will look closely at all the important features, then test out the razor for facial shaving on various days of beard or stubble growth, as well as head shaving. Then, finally, recommend who the razor would be best suited for — within the closing thoughts. 

Description & Features

GilletteLabs definitely inherited a significant number of features and designs from the previous Fusion5, and even more so with the Proglide. 

However, there are also substantial differences, and those that mainly affect the razor’s performance are differences within the cartridge blade section. I will not go into comparisons in this review, though, and will focus on the GilletteLabs Exfoliating razor.

GilletteLabs Exfoliator Bar razor laying flat on the hand
  • Blades: Gillette states the five martensitic stainless steel blades have an anti-friction coating that allows the blades to last up to a month. The blades are closely aligned to prevent skin bulging, and the spring-mounted base helps the blades adjust to the skin’s irregularities. 
  • Precision Trimmer: Like the ProGlide and others, Gillette has added an extra blade on the top back side for users to trim sideburns, under the nose, other hard-to-reach areas, and styling. 
  • Lubrication: The lubrication strip we find on all Gillette cartridge razors is a thin strip along the top that gels when it gets wet. It is slightly wider than a Mach3 and Fusion5 on the GilletteLabs.
  • Handle: Gillette states the diecast zinc metal handle is durable enough to last a lifetime and backs the statement up with a lifetime guarantee. The handle has rubberized sections to enhance grip. 
  • Flex head: The head flexes back to around 60 – 70 degrees, enabling the razor blades to shave along the various contours of the skin and to get the best blade angle.
  • 2D Head: The razor head can move left to right, which should enable the razor to move along the contours of the skin easier.
  • Exfoliator Bar: The plastic exfoliating strip at the bottom of the razor blades is placed just above the microfin strip section. This aims to exfoliate before the blades hit the skin. This bar is part of the handle rather than the cartridge blade.
  • Changing blades: The moveable push button, when pushed, releases the blade. A new blade is added directly from the cartridge pack.

Anything to add about the Features?

There are a few features I would like to add and expand on, and the design of the GilletteLabs.


Gillette has pretty much kept a similar handle design going since the introduction of the Fusion in 2006, and enhanced it on the GilletteLabs.

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor handle and grip

The metal zinc diecast handle has a rubberized underside and a rubberized thumb grip on the top of the handle. 

The handle’s complete rubberized underside offers more grip than previous Gillette razors. However, the thumb section is much smaller and has less grip, making the handle look more attractive. 

You might think it is odd that I put the attractiveness above more grip on the thumb section. However, we only use that thumb section when picking up the razor and not while shaving. The sides and back of the handle, as they already do on this razor, require most of the grip!

The handle is solid, grips perfectly when shaving, and has the ideal ergonomics. Still, I’m not sure what the lifetime guarantee is about that Gillette mentions; no rubber will last a lifetime (I guess a marketing spiel — * notes 5 years guarantee in small print).

GilletteLabs Exfoliator Bar razor held in the hand to show its grip

Exfoliator Bar

It’s hard to tell if the exfoliating section is actually exfoliating. Still, it has to be doing something because this section is made with many raised small crisscross ridges that affect the skin.

Close up of top section of GilletteLabs Exfoliator Bar and blade

Other Gillette cartridge razors have what’s called a microfin strip along the bottom of the razor blade that stretches the skin before the blades begin to cut. However, this razor does not have this. So I guess the exfoliating strip might perform a similar job as a microfin strip. 

There is a rubberized section below the exfoliator strip, but this has no fins and seems to provide a guide and comfort before the exfoliator bar meets the hair and skin. 

The exfoliator is part of the razor handle and not the blade section. 

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor bar without the blade attached

FlexDisc (head moves left to right)

I mentioned this in the Gillette ProGlide Review and found the same issue with the GilletteLabs Exfoliator. 

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor flexdisc movement

While I have found a flexible head very useful, and it works well with electric shavers, I cannot see the flex disc on this razor move at all. An electric shaver allows more pressure to be used, enabling the flex head movements to work. With this razor, I never use enough pressure to make the head stick enough to make the head move. 

In theory and within the marketing promotion, the FlexDisc looks like a feature that is going to make the shave much better, when in fact, I don’t ever see it move.

FlexHead (moves backward and forwards)

While I gave the FlexDisc a hard time exposing its lack of use, the FlexHead works great.

The FlexHead simply moves back and forth while shaving and works well on the various contours of the face. The ease of shaving over the chin area is an excellent example of how useful this simple feature is.

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfolitator flex blade movement

This design has been with the Gillette cartridge razors since the 1977 Atra because it’s practical and works.  


The trimmer is an extra blade added at the top and back of the razor head.

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor top trimmer blade

I did find myself using it on a couple of occasions when I missed a little hair under the nose area, and the trimmer blade cleaned it up.

I don’t need to cut in the sideburns as the normal blades on the GilletteLabs Exfoliator do a good enough job of shaving these correctly. However, I did try the top trimmer blade out, and it works well.

Some guys will use this trimmer blade, while others won’t.

Lubrication Strip

Lubrication strips are part of all Gillette cartridge razors. They add extra lubrication on top of what gel, soap, or shaving cream a person is already applying.

The strip on the GilletteLabs is slightly wider than other Gillette razors, which is a pro and a con in my eyes, and shaving experience. It’s good to have that extra lubrication (for some guys); however, it also widens the gap between an area such as under the nose and the blades. This is why I believe I have missed hair under the nose and used the top trimmer blade with this razor, and the ProGlide (the ProGlide also has a wider lubrication strip). 

I often experience an over-lubrication on the first two shaves with these cartridge razors. However, I did not experience over-lubrication with this razor (that might be me adjusting to using cartridge razors more frequently, though).

Magnetic Stand

While this feature or accessory ‘magnetic stand’ does not affect the shave, it is handy.

The cartridge blades on these razors are best kept dry; otherwise, the lubrication strip gels up and the blades rust, so sticking the razor in a stand after use is ideal.

GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor in its magnetic stand with modern background

The stand is solid metal with a rubber underside. It’s the same attractive gunmetal color as the blade handle.

Don’t buy this razor mainly for the stand, until you see the monthly cartridge costs.

How Well Does GilletteLabs Exfoliator Perform and Shave?

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the GilletteLabs Exfoliator. Still, I was interested in the difference between having an exfoliator pad and replacing the microfin strips we find on other Gillette razors.

collage of author Jason shaving with GilletteLabs Exfoliator Bar razor

How Often Did You Shave with the GilletteLabs?

As usual, I try to use a razor with various days of growth. I used the GilletteLabs razor on 3+ days and 2 days of growth, and then daily shaving for three consecutive days.

What was noticeable when shaving with two and three days of growth is that this razor shaves fast. It has the same sort of aggression I experienced with the Fusion5.

The GilletteLabs seem to get along very well with thicker or coarse growth.

As expected — when shaving daily and on the second day, I got some redness on the neck area. Then on the 3rd consecutive day of shaving, I felt some soreness after the shave and picked up more red patches on the neck. 

Unsurprisingly, I picked up some irritation when shaving daily with the GilletetLabs. Daily shaving is not my thing; this razor is not the only razor that flares up irritation for me.

How Was Head Shaving with the GilletteLabs?

I get to test these razors for head shaving as a balding guy. 

Like other cartridge razors and Gillette’s, the GilletteLabs gives a very safe, fast, and comfortable head shave. 

collage of author Jason head shaving with GilletteLabs Exfoliator

The razor works well when shaving over the head’s various contours, and the back of the head is also easily saved. The ergonomics, flex head, and other aspects of the razor make this possible.

The Best a Foliccaly Challenged Man Can Get, I would say!

Overall Shaving Experience?

Without a doubt, from the first time I used the GilletteLabs, I noticed how fast it shaves and its aggression when shaving thick stubble.

I did find it less comfortable than other cartridge razors I have used, though. I am unsure whether this is because of the additional exfoliating bar and no microfin section at the bottom. The microfin strip will stretch the skin before the blades begin to cut, which I believe helps the shave.

The face of the cartridge blade section is a bit large for my liking, and shaving under the nose is not as good as razors with a slimmer lubrication strip.

Cartridge Longevity

Gillette states each of the Labs blades can last up to 20 shaves. This seems like a lot of shaves to put blades through without dulling, and the lubrication strip also needs to last.

Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator cartridge blade without the handle

I have shaved with this GilletteLabs on seven occasions, including a head shave, and I feel like I might only get another two or maybe three shaves out of it. So, I guess around about 10 shaves in total.

I am fussier than others and like plenty of lubrication strip left and super sharp blades. However, other men can get many more shaves out of cartridge blades. 

Changing Blades & Blade Care

As the Gillette razors develop and the company enhances its features, it seems the blades for handling them have become more complex. I still like the simple, old-fashioned style of the Mach3.

The Mach3 can be clipped in and out by hand. Then came the Fusion, which requires the user to place the razor in its cartridge pack to add a new blade. Then, the GilletteLabs is similar to the Fusion but has the added exfoliator on the handle. Again, a user must use the cartridge pack to attach a new blade; otherwise, it is difficult to attach, and the user risks cutting their fingers when trying. 

attaching and detaching a GilletteLabs Exfoliator blade in a single cartridge case
Close up of GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor button to remove blade
Mechanism for Blade Attachment and Detachment

With that lack of blade changing option complaint out of the way — the blades are easily attached when using the cartridge pack, and they are removed easily when pushing the FlexDisc.

The only thing we need to do regarding maintenance is keeping the blades clean and dry. A quick pat of the blades after rinsing them well is all that is required to keep the blades in good condition.

gently drying a GilletteLabs Exfoliator razor on a towel

The blades for this razor can only be used on the GilletteLabs, including the GilletteLabs Heated razor. It’s great they are interchangeable between the Exfoliator and Heated razor, but the Fusion5, ProGlide, and other cartridges cannot be used with the Labs handle.

Value for Money – Costs?

Of course, Gillette has not introduced a new razor without increasing costs. And, while the price of the handles does not seem significant, they hit our pockets when it comes to buying replacement cartridges regularly.

There are some variations to consider on the first purchase (i.e., handle with blades. Options include — handle, magnetic stand, and one blade, or — handle, magnetic stand, travel case, and one blade, — and other options.

Gillette is pretty much trying to throw as many GilletteLabs products in the mix of razor-buying bundles for customers to buy, including shaving gel, moisturizer, and other products.

*Handle Cost +: Approx $23 USD (2 blades) – £22 UK (1 blade) – EU, AU, and others (awaiting confirmation on country availability**).

*Cartridges Cost (4 pack): Approx $25 USD – £20 UK –EU, AU, and others (awaiting confirmation on country availability**.

*Prices for the handle set and cartridge packs (four) are based on the Gillette website prices and may vary at other stores. 

**The Gillette Exfoliator Bar is not available, or the availability is limited in these countries. Only the GilletteLabs Heated Razor seems to be available in most countries.

I’m excluding the handle cost and focusing on the recurring cartridge costs to provide a value-for-money opinion. Well, you can look at the costs here (based on $$$) x 4 blades.

  • Mach3 = $11
  • Fusion5 = $18
  • SkinGuard = $15
  • ProGlide + ProGlide Sheild = $20
  • GilletteLabs = $25

A whopping increase of 130% compared with the Mach3. Okay, maybe not the fairest comparison, but you can see what is happening in that list above. 

The SkinGuard and Fusion5 are fairer prices, in my opinion, and $25 is just a ripoff. 

What was ever wrong with the Mach3? That’s for another article.

Final Thoughts – Who Is It Best Suited For?

Although I had no real expectations before testing and using the GilletteLabs Exfoliator, I expected something better. Especially once I realized how the extra costs tally up compared to other cartridge razors for no additional benefit.

I prefer the microfin strip that stretches the skin before the blades begin to cut rather than a rough pad that should exfoliate. 

This razor gives an aggressive, fast, and close shave, but so does another razor like the Fusion5, which costs less per cartridge blade pack.

Does the pad even exfoliate, or does it need to? My view — if I need to exfoliate, I will do just that with a pre-shave exfoliator.

GilletteLabs is another range of razors/products that the company has pulled away from razors like the Fusion5 and others (e.g., non-interchangeable blades). While I see the GilletteLabs Heated Razor offering something very different compared to other Gillette razors, I don’t see the exfoliator pad offering much — or it could have just been added to the Fusion5, ProGlide and Sensitive razor handle line.

Bottom line……..

The GilletteLabs Exfoliator is not a razor I can recommend. Unless the quality handle is a must-have for you!

  • jason jones at shaving advisor profile

    I'm the chief shaverer over here at ShavingAdvisor and when I am not shaving off any hair I have left, or writing about what I have shaved off - I do a load of other life stuff and enjoy a good cup of tea between doing stuff!


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