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Shaving Brushes – Articles, Reviews, and Guides

shaving brushes and razors on wood with text

How To Choose A Shaving Brush and The Right Type

Shaving brushes are a little more complex than what meets the eye, especially if the important aspects (i.e., loft, handle, size, height etc.) of a brush are to be considered.

MÜHLE Classic Silvertip Fiber Brush medium size

Mühle Silvertip Synthetic Shaving Brush Review – A Gentle but Efficient Brush

Many of us know that Mühle, the company, produces some great shaving products. Their shaving brushes line includes a selection of silvertip synthetic brushes well worth checking out.

Yaqi M150801-S2 shaving brush on white background

Yaqi M150801 Shaving Brush Review

Yaqi has become well known for its affordable shaving brushes that are decent brushes in that price range. We take a close look at the M150801 model in this review.

Omega 10048 Professional Shaving Brush in bathroom

Omega Professional 10048 Review – Monster of a Boar Brush

The Omega 10048 (aka Pro 48) is a large shaving brush indeed. This is another boar hair brush with a chrome-looking handle from the Professional range.

lathering shaving soap in a shaving bowl with brush

How To Use A Shaving Brush – Lathering Up Routine

How we use a shaving brush differs and depends on whether we lather directly from the brush to the face or bowl lather and whether we use a traditional solid shaving soap or cream.

massaging soap into shaving brush bristles

How To Clean A Shaving Brush and Care Guide

Shaving brushes are just like any other tool you might use in a job. They require some care to keep them working at their best and ensure they last.

holding a Simpson Trafalgar T3 Synthetic Brush

Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Brush Review

The Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Shaving Brush has some good backbone, and a soft fiber knot that’s dense, but not overly dense. While the handle is not too stubby, I did find myself wanting something slimmer, longer, or both!

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