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Electric Shaver Comparison

Braun Series 7 vs Series 8 – Which Shaver Should You Buy?

Braun Series 8 and Braun Series 7 shavers held in the hand next to each other to compare

We are back to comparing two popular electric shavers from one the biggest companies making and selling foil-type shavers for gents worldwide, Braun.

The two shavers that are well worth comparing to identify important differences are the Braun Series 8 and Series 7. The Series 8 follows the Series 7 naturally within the Braun range of shavers and costs more, but is the extra expense worth it or needed? 

I have tested, used, and reviewed both shavers previously. Now it’s time to put them both head to head to compare similarities and differences –to find out which is best for certain users and buyers.

Tested, Used, and Reviewed

Both shavers were tested under various shaving conditions; this included three days of growth, two days of growth, shaving daily, and wet shaving.


new generation Braun Series 7 shaver on its presentation box
close up of Braun Series 8 8467cc on its brand new box

Models – Versions Reviewed

Braun updates, changes, and revises its shavers every so often within each series. The latest models in this comparison article relate to the Series 8 – 84xx and 85xx (begin with 84 or 85) and the Series 7 – 71xx or 70xx (begin with 71 or 70). The latest S7 models can also be easily identified as the 360˚ Flex range.

Braun Series 7 lying on Braun Series 8 showing the front of the blades first

The only differences with the shavers within the same series are the color, attachments, and accessories the shaver comes with and the country in which it is sold. Otherwise, they are the same shaver performance-wise. 

Update: Both the S8 and S7 have been through some changes. The S7 now has the shaving mode button fitted which gives users the option to change the shaving speed of the foils (only released in the USA as yet, as a trial I guess). I have yet to get this new version, but do have doubts as I have had variable mode shavers before and they have been best used on full power.

The S8 update to the S8 85xx models only saw small changes in the CleanCare Center design and the detail trimmer (ProTrimmer) being improved

Series 7 Models*

USAEurope, UK & Others
7020s 71-N7200cc
7025s 71-S4862cs
7027s  71-S7200cc
7075cc 71-S7500cc
7071cc 70-N1200s

Series 8 84xx & 85xx Models*

USAEurope, UK & Others
8417s 8410s – 8510s
8457cc8413s – 8513s
8467cc – 8567cc8417s – 8517s
8463cc – 8563cc
8467cc – 8567cc

*Im sure other model numbers will be included (only accessory or color differences). They will be the same shaver.

Just to confuse consumers more, or at least us who review shavers for readers – Braun uses different model numbers for that same model in various countries alongside different numbers for the accessories included.

CC & S: CC means CleanCare Center, the cleaning station that comes with models. S means Solo, which is without the CleanCare Center. 

Let’s Compare What’s Most Important

Let’s compare the build quality, ergonomics, comfort while shaving, maneuverability, and closeness of shave – ‘the end result’. And, we will also look at the cleaning station and costs.

Braun Series 8 and Braun Series 7 next to each other lying down
Feature/AspectSeries 7 Series 8
Build Quality8/108/10
Cutting Power8/109/10
Shaving Comfort8/109/10
Closeness of Shave9/109/10
LED Indicators7/1010/10
Cleaning Station8/109/10
Replacement Blades18 months1 + 2 years*
Price ComparisonApprox: $170 USD, £150, €178 Approx: $220 USD, £200, €270**
Rating Comparison Table

The S8 and S7 look like very different shavers, and they are in many ways. The Series 7 new models released in 2020 brought about a complete body redesign, among other changes from a bulkier size and appearance to a slimmer design. However, Series 8 is more in line with the design of the Series 9.

We have two big important similarities; they are both foil shavers and have three shaving elements (x 2 foils and x1 center cutter/trimmer). Actually, Series 8 has (3+1), which I will explain further in this comparison. 

The first feature we will take a look at is the motor or, rather, the cutting actions.

Motor and Cutting Actions

It is hard to say how powerful a motor is on an electric shaver. It’s not like a car where we can measure engine capacity size and horsepower; however, Braun and other companies provide us with a measurement of Cutting Actions Per Minute (CPM).

Series 7


Series 8


The Braun Series 7 provides 24’000 CPM, and the Series 8 –30’000. Series 5 through 7 are all 24’000 CPM, so Series 8 has stepped up an extra 6000, which is quite significant.

This cutting action speed (CPM) affects how fast a shaver will shave. The extra 6000 CPM is a bonus point for the Series 8, and when I shave with the S8, it feels like it has some extra oomph, but there is nothing major to make it a deal breaker when considering the price difference.

Blades – Shaving Elements

The shavers share the same amount of shaving elements, three. The Series 8 has a +1, which is supposed to be a SkinGuard bar. However, while testing out and inspecting the S8 –this SkinGuard is hidden and has no effect as the skinguard does on the Series 9 Pro.

Series 7


Series 8


Braun Series 7 shaving elements
Series 7
close up of Braun Series 8 8467cc shaver head and its elements
Series 8

I will ignore the SkinGuard issue and note that these shavers have three shaving elements. 

They both have two outer foils that do all the cutting and a center trimmer element that cuts through flay-lying and tricky hairs when the foils miss or struggle to cut them. 

What is noticeably different when taking a closer look at the shaving elements is the Series 8 foils look slightly slimmer, and the lift and cut trimmer is wider. The S8 foils are also held in metal rather than plastic, like the S7. As a result, the Series 8 cutting elements look more classy and expensive than the Series 7; however, it is hard to know if these classier-looking S8 blades cut any better than the S7. 

Build Quality

Both shavers have good build quality and are made from strong plastics and rubberized sides. Neither of these have a significant advantage over the other.

Series 7


Series 8



The S7 has a slimmer body and just fits into the hand much better than the bulkier Series 8. I have normal medium-sized hands; however, the size of the Series 8 for men with larger hands might feel better, while those guys with smaller hands are likely to find the S7 a slightly better fit.

Series 7


Series 8


close up of Braun Series 7 rubberized grip
Series 7
close up of Braun Series 8 8467cc rubberized sides for grip
Series 8

The S7 does not have a trimmer attached to the back of the shaver, which means it does provide a better hold because of its curved shape at the back. However, the S7 trimmer must be attached and detached, making this design aspect good for one user and not good for another –depending on whether the attached trimmer is important.

Both have very good ergonomics and cannot be faulted. They just differ!

Head Movement and Maneuverability 

Head movement is definitely a shaver feature that should not be ignored. The flexibility of a shaver’s head to move along the various contours of the face makes the shave experience easier. 

Series 7


Series 8


Braun Series 7 Flex head close up picture
Series 7
animation of Braun Series 8 8467cc shaver head moving back and forth
Series 8

This generation of S7 shavers is called 360˚ Flex because of the shaver heads’ ability to move in various directions and not just back and forth like the S8. However, while the S7 offers more movement, it cannot be locked and always moves, whereas the S8 can be locked into various positions.

The back-and-forth motion of the Series 8 is enough movement, and being able to lock the movement makes me lean toward preferring this style. However, I do like this extra movement that the S7 offers, and it probably deserves to win a point on maneuverability.

Braun Series 7 vs 8 Shaving Performance

Performance matters most (how the shavers compare when dealing with facial hair when switched on).

I was not expecting much difference. However, the S8 is the next level up in the Braun range and costs more, so it should offer a better shave experience than the S7.

shaving with the Braun Series 7 electric shaver
Series 7
collage of author at shavingadvisor shaving with the Braun Series 8 8467cc shaver
Series 8

If you would like to see the shavers in action, then you will find the S7 vs S8 video I created below useful.

Shaving Comfort and Speed

I used and reviewed these shavers previously and then did a side-by-side shave to see if I could find which one performed best. One aspect I considered was how comfortable the shaving experience was.

Series 7


Series 8


The Series 8 had that bit of extra shaving comfort factor compared to the S7, which I did not expect to be noticeable.

The Series 8 also shaved quicker, especially when I had thicker growth. The S8 starts to remove hair faster.

Closeness of Shave

Both shavers provide the same end result in terms of closeness. However, the advantage of Series 8 is that it gets there quicker and provides a more comfortable experience.

Series 7


Series 8


The Series 8 and 7 provide a very close shave for electric shavers.

Other Aspects of the Shavers to Compare 

Those are the most important aspects covered, which can be deal breakers when many buyers choose a shaver. Now, we can look at other aspects that may not affect the choice of shaver as much.


Both shavers take about an hour to charge the battery fully, and in the specs, the Braun Series 8 provides 60 minutes of runtime, while the S7 provides 50 minutes.

Series 7


Series 8


I haven’t noticed any difference worth mentioning, even though the S8 is supposed to give us an extra 10 minutes. Both shavers charge up easily and provide plenty of runtime. 

Cleaning and Charging Dock

CleanCare Centres come with some Series 8 and 7 models, which take care of cleaning, lubricating, and charging a shaver after use.

Series 7


Series 8


Braun Series 7 Flex head shaver placed in charge and cleaning station
Series 7
Braun Series 8 cleancare system switched on with shaver inside
Series 8

The Series 7 cleans, lubricates, charges, and charges, but unlike the Series 8 Cleancare Center, it does not dry the shaver after cleaning. 

The Series 8 also has LEDs to show what part of the cleaning and charge cycle it is at. 

Having the drier is an advantage, as the Series 7 takes more time to dry out manually. 

Trimmer and Attachments

The trimmer is a big difference between these shavers and could be a deal breaker for some buyers. 

Series 7


Series 8


close up of Braun Series 7 trimmer section with beard trimmer attachment
Series 7
close up of Braun Series 8 trimmer section
Series 8
close up of Braun Series 8 8567cc protrimmer on the back of the shaver that slides out
Series 8 (ProTrimmer Upgrade)

The Series 7 has no trimmer attached to the body like the Series 8. With the S7 we have to detach the foil cassette and swap it over for the trimmer. Men like me who don’t get much use out of the trimmer will prefer the Series 7 design, but if you use the trimmer frequently –being attached to the shaver’s body is very convenient. 

Because the Series 7 has a detachable design for the trimmer, other attachments can also be purchased with certain models. These attachments include beard trimmers, stubbler, and body groomer; however, I found they did not perform well and would not recommend spending extra cash on them. 

Which Shaver Is The Quietest?

The Braun Series 8 wins on this front. The S8 makes a more subtle vibrating noise, while the S7 is slightly more rattly. 

Series 7


Series 8


The Series 7 also vibrates in the hand much more than the S8. The Series 8 just feels much smoother.  

Price Comparison

Not many of us can overlook how much damage to our bank accounts one of these shavers can cause. Above the Series 5, Braun shavers do become pricey!

The obvious selling point for the Series 7 is its lower price tag than the S8.

The current prices below are for the models that come with the Cleancare Center. Cheaper models without the cleaning station are also available.

— Series 7 Flex shavers costs around $170+ USD (£150+ GBP – 178,00 € + EU)

— Braun Series 84xx is priced at around $220+ USD, £200 UK, and €270 EU

Prices are going to vary based on the attachments the shaver comes with. 

Final Thoughts – Which Shaver Is Best?

That concludes the Braun Series 8 vs Series 7 comparison and provides enough detail to decide, based on their performance, features, and cost, which is best. 

Overall, the Braun Series 8 is a better shaver, provides a more comfortable and quicker shave, and steps up to another level in quality. However, the Series 7 provides everything needed for a close electric shave, and if a buyer wishes to save some cash, the S7 could be a sensible purchase.

It is worth mentioning before we close that the Series 7 has been one of the most popular and best Braun shavers based on the balance between performance and cost.  

  • jason jones at shaving advisor profile

    I'm the chief shaverer over here at ShavingAdvisor and when I am not shaving off any hair I have left, or writing about what I have shaved off - I do a load of other life stuff and enjoy a good cup of tea between doing stuff!


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