HeadBlade vs Skull Shaver – Both Dedicated to Head Shaving

In a quest to find the best head-shaving tools on the market, the journey has led to testing out and reviewing many products — shavers and razors.
Recent reviews include the Headblade ATX and Headblade Moto, and previously all of the Skull Shaver brand of head shavers like the Skull Shaver Pitbull Gold.
Recently, two questions have popped up a few times via email — Is the HeadBlade better than a Skull Shaver, and which razor/shaver would I recommend? There was more to those questions in those emails; however, that’s the basics.
Both of these products are very different in many ways. Still, they share the same intended outcome: to provide the end user with a quick, comfortable, ergonomically friendly head shave.
In this side-by-side comparison between HeadBlade and Skull Shaver, let’s briefly describe both head shavers.
Skull Shaver – Brief Description
Skull Shaver is a brand of dedicated head shavers that own a pattened ergonomically friendly design. There are other replicas or copies of their shavers on the market, but these guys were one of the first in on the market and had their own patented design.
There are four models available which are the same shaver or function the same. Each model is just an upgrade from the last shaver.
The Skull Shaver is a rotary-type electric shaver and is better suited for head shaving than foil blades on a foil-type electric shaver. The design of rotary blades enables them to be used in a circular motion, whereas a foil blade will only move back and forth, and this is the main reason rotary-type shavers head shave better.
Skull Shavers can be used to shave wet or dry and for facial shaving. However, I found they are not best suited for facial shaving compared to a dedicated electric facial shaver.
Three to five rotary blades on these cordless shavers make them the ideal ergonomically friendly electric head-shaving tool.
HeadBlade – Brief Description
HeadBlade’s are manual razors, much like cartridge razors but without the long handle. The razors have a unique patented, ergonomically friendly design.
Two models including the HeadBlade Moto and ATX are available, which are both very similar in their design; however, they have some differences I covered in the HeadBlade Moto vs ATX comparison.
These are used in a unique manner where a user places their finger inside a finger ring section and then rubs the razor over their head to shave.
The HeadBlade razors look like small children’s toys, with the ATX being designed like a 4×4 all-terrain vehicle, and the Moto is similar to a MotoGP racing motorbike.
Shaving Comparison
We cannot really compare these two on one level — in terms of one being an electric dry shaver and the other being a manual razor. They are not closely related at all.
One aspect we can compare, though, is how they shave and the results.
Both the HeadBlade and Skull Shavers have an easy-to-use, ergonomically friendly design. I don’t feel any of these are harder to use than the other — just different.
The Skull Shaver (all models) does not shave as close as the HeadBlades. The HeadBlade shaves as close as a cartridge or safety razor, whereas the Skull Shavers will leave slight stubble in places.
Skull Shavers offer more convenience when shaving dry and a lot less mess. In addition, they can be used anywhere at any time without shaving lubricants and water.
I tested out both the HeadBlade and Skull Shaver facial shaving, and neither is best suited for the job. They can be used for facial shaving, but they are just not ideal, and that’s because of the design that is made specifically for head shaving.
I found that the HeadBlade required more time to become familiar with how it shaves compared to the Skull Shaver.
A vote for safety goes to the Skull Shaver. Skull Shaver gets the safety vote because the HeadBlade has razor blades, and I have seen a video and photo of quite nasty cuts from the HeadBlade (improper use could be the cause, but nasty cuts nonetheless).
Costs Comparison
The HeadBlade is considerably cheaper than a Skull Shaver, which could be the deal breaker for some gents.
I will report the costs in US $ for ease.
— HeadBlade – $12.99 razor and one blade. HB4 (four blades) costs $12.99, and the HB6 (six blades) costs $14.99, and last from 6 – 10 shaves.
— Skull Shaver (Palm*) – $39.99 for the shaver with three blade rotary blade. Blade replacements cost $24.99 and should be replaced every three months when used regularly.
*Skull Shaver Palm is the cheapest model with the cheapest replacement blades of all Skull Shaver models.
Final Thoughts – Which Razor/Shaver is Best?
If I were to choose between the HeadBlade and Skull Shaver for convenience, I prefer the Skull Shaver, even though it does not shave as close.
An aspect that affects my preference is I don’t want to use either of these for facial shaving, and with a Skull Shaver, I can shave in a bathroom or anywhere else before or after shaving my face with my facial razor, which suits me fine. But, on the other hand, using two different razors like the HeadBlade and, let’s say, the Gillette Mach3, I feel I might as well shave with the Mach3 all over.
Some guys might be happy to shave their face and head with the HeadBlade, and others with a HeadBlade (for the head) and Gillette Mach3 or a safety razor (for the face). In addition, the combo option of head shaving with the HeadBlade and facial shaving with a traditional safety razor would work. This combo would work because the safety razor is not the best razor type for head shaving, but it is something many traditional wet shavers will want to keep in their shaving arsenal for facial shaving if they like how the HeadBlade heads shaves.
As mentioned, the electric shaver means less mess, and you can shave anywhere and anytime, but then again, you must make sure you have it charged up, whereas the HeadBlade is organically powered by hand.
I suggest that if you shave your head regularly to have a pop at both of these. However, buying both is fine for those like me who like to try new products and have more shaving tools, but it isn’t the best option if you are looking at cutting costs.