Skull Shaver Pitbull vs Braun Series 9 Pro Head Shaving Comparison

I had a request to put the Skull Shaver Pitbull in battle with the Braun Series Pro, so being the great guy I am (sarcasm but also true), I obliged.
I am a big fan of using the right tool for the right job, and in head shaving electric style, the right tool is a dedicated head shaver (just like a Skull Shaver).
However, I know people in general desire to have one tool (item) that can multitask or at least do a couple of tasks, and I get the wish, want, or need for that product. Another (however) — rarely have I found many grooming tools that do more than one task exceptionally well (yep, they can do other stuff, but I’m talking about very well).
The wish for a dedicated head shaver to be able to facial shave too or an electric facial shaver to be able to head shave is common, and I get it as it would definitely make it easier to just shave from the top of the head down to the neck in one go.
The bottom line with the shavers in question here is the Braun S9 has given me the closest electric head shave, with the worst aspect being shaving the back of the head. The Skull Shaver is super convenient and easy to use for head shaving, but it does not have the design for shaving smaller areas and the contours of the face (think, jaw, chin, Adam’s apple).
Shaving Side-by-Side
I shaved with both shavers side by side and used the S9 Pro on one side of my head and the Skull Shaver on the other. I have used these on numerous occasions, but on this occasion, it was side-by-side.
I used the Skull Shaver Pitbull Platinum on this occasion as I am away from my large collection of grooming gear and have the Platinum with me. You dont need to have the Platinum; you can use my experience for the Pitbull Gold and Silver Pro as the performance is very similar.
Ergonomics and Maneuverability
The Skull Shaver wins hands down in terms of ergonomic friendliness. That’s no surprise and can be seen in all my head shaver reviews.
The most difficult part is shaving the back of the head area with the S9, especially if you have some odd, nobbly parts of the skull at the back, as I do. It gets the job done, but it just takes a lot of going over the same area.
Rotary blades win hands down because of the ability to shave in circular motions over larger areas.
The S9, on the sides of the head and going over the top, was very good, and just like the Skull Shaver, the blades stayed close to the scalp without any blade overlap.
I can hear the cutting actions of the S9 shaving elements much more than the Skull Shaver working on chopping hair. The S9 is a pretty mean cutting machine!
The S9 definitely has the edge over the Skull Shaver and all the other dedicated head shavers I have used when it comes to getting a close shave.
The Skull Shaver does give a close enough shave–as the main point of an electric shaver is convenience for me. The S9 is just closer, though, and can nearly match the level of a manual razor closeness.
I can’t show a clip or photos of the difference as it is not visible to the eye, and can only be felt.
Other Pros and Cons
An aspect to think about is the cost difference. A Skull Shaver can be bought for around $65 (£75) Silver Pro – $100 (£110) Gold Pro, whereas a Braun Series 9 Pro is going to cost around $230 +.
Longevity and warranty (plus honoring the warranty) are aspects to consider, and these two factors come hand in hand. While I have been fortunate with all my Braun and Skull Shaver shavers, I have seen guys having issues with a Skull Shaver lasting or faulting much quicker than the S9 and other Braun shavers.
In terms of warranty, we get a minimum of 2 years with a Braun shaver and 1 year with a Skull Shaver.
Final Thoughts
I enjoy the convenience and ease of use I get from a dedicated head shaver like a Skull Shaver. However, a person who facial shaves with an electric shaver already and needs to head shave is going to get a great head and face shave from the S9 Pro (that closeness is pretty damn good).
If you like the idea of head shaving with the S9 Pro, but don’t, as yet, facial shave with an electric shaver, and also don’t know if facial shaving with an electric is going to be right for you. You can try a more affordable option like the Braun Series 5 (still a very decent shaver I have head shaved with).
Disclaimer: Braun does not state their shavers can be used for head shaving. Keep in mind that we could be breaching a term if we require a refund or replacement at some point. You head shave with the S9 at your own risk.
Thank you for a great comparison. Would you say the Skull Shaver Platinum is the best out of the Skull Shavers?